السبت، 14 فبراير 2009

Study 2: Mobile consumers demand camera features

July 9, 2008 — 10:18am ET By Jason Ankeny

mobile technology has many features. for example :Digital camera, WiFi, mobile TV , web access, Games, Bluetooth connectivity and music/radio playback. the consumer checklist of essential mobile features according to a new survey conducted by market analysis firm ABI Research.

This study shows: that the camera on mobile is easy to use, flexiable , can be used any time any where, and it is cost effective in contrast of other technologies.
the study is evaluated these features : Games (64 percent), web access (61 percent) and cameras (58 percent) are the three most common features found on subscribers' mobile phones. Games and web access are also high on the list of features that subscribers never use. WiFi, mobile TV and games are the handset features least likely to be regarded as "essential." Also, camera phones are more than twice as important for consumers in Taiwan

الأربعاء، 11 فبراير 2009

study1:Using the Internet for Education

Dr. YEUNG Yau Yuen
Ms. CHENG May Hung, May
Ms. SO Wing Mui, Winnie
Dr. TSANG Po Keung,
EricDepartment of Science
Hong Kong Institute of Education

Purpose of this study :
to develop various subject-based courseware to make the student-teachers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) to have intensive exposure to some interactive hypermedia resources for self-learning on the Internet.

Instrument :
those student-teachers are trained to have certain competence in developing course materials in the www format for broadcasting on the Internet. Some preliminary findings of
the questionnaire on their attitudes towards using the Internet for education indicate that they generally have positive attitudes but they probably need more time by self practicing in order to develop sufficient confidence in authoring their own course materials on the Internet.The questionnaire consists of four distinct constructs as identified .The four constructs are: affect (feeling towards computers); behavioural (behavioural intentions and actions with respect to computers); perceived behaviour control (perceived ease, or difficulty, of using computers) and perceived usefulness (the degree to which an individual believes using computers will enhance their job performance). . The feature of internet can provide flexibility on learning process .